Усі вакансії / Вакансії по рубриках / Інша робота
Дана вакансія втратила актуальність 01 Березня 2019 р.
Дані наведені виключно в ознайомлювальних цілях. Контактна інформація прихована та допоміжні функції вимкнені


Customer Support Advisor with German

Компанія: ПП
Контактна особа: Відділ кадрів
Місто (регіон): Львів

Основна інформація:

To support our Kiev office and a well known Client (name will be announced on the interview). Also, to support growth and ensure the quality we are proud of, we are currently looking for Customer Support Advisors.
The candidate we are looking for have excellent communication and listening skills, is an exceptional problem solver and likes to help and assist people on all possible issues and questions.
Our company can provide you with:
Full time job;

Also, we have a very flexible schedule:
working day shifts;
sometimes evening/night shifts

This position can be exactly for you, as we provide support for European market in German.
We offer YOU:

Training and experience with one of the leading BPO companies in Europe
Flexible schedule and ability to work evenings/nights

Job in an international, young and inspiring environment
Modern office in the Business Center near the underground
Safe and caring employer with a lot of experience in the field
Competitive salary, connected to Euro

Official registration according to Ukrainian legislation
(trudova) from day one
Paid vacation and sick leave according to Ukrainian legislation
Career opportunities
Highly developed Bonus System

Opportunity to become an important part of our big Runway Webhelp family
Free medical insurance after probation
Happy Friday snacks and treats for our employees each Friday

Main requirements:

German both written and oral, min. level - B2
English at least A1-A2 level;
Customer service skills
Communication skills (Good listening and responding skills)
Ability to obtain, verify, evaluate work assignments and provide necessary information for clients
Good time management skills and ability to prioritize
Ability to react on stressful situation
Working knowledge of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office applications; general hardware and software knowledge
Multi-tasking skills (actively listening to customer questions, answering questions, registering issue and finding solution at the same time)
Previous working experience with airlines/ticketing is a plus
Possibility to work evening and night shifts.


Runway will provide each employee 80 hours training
in order to be able:
To be familiar and follow Client's internal rules
Navigate through and use Client's and Runway Webhelp support tools
Ensure communication skills

About Webhelp/Runway:
Webhelp is an International BPO company that has grown significantly with more than 250 partners being served by our global teams which cross more than 25 countries and more than 100 customer experience hubs. With a number of multinational companies as customers and services, the company is about to become a major European player in this business area. We have clients in tourism, technology, IT and finance.
Through evolution and acquisition, today Webhelp is a 40,000 people-strong global leader in business process outsourcing (BPO).
We continually seek to provoke delight, create amazement and go the extra mile for the people we work with. Our partners know that Webhelp will always work to achieve more and evolve in the right direction. With that in mind, our people continually strive for the wow factor.
More about the company: https://runway.webhelp.com


Строк вакансії збіг. Контакти приховані

Дана вакансія втратила актуальність 01 Березня 2019 р.
Дані наведені виключно в ознайомлювальних цілях. Контактна інформація прихована та допоміжні функції вимкнені



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Схожі вакансії

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Вакансії в категорії: Інша робота
Вакансії в регіоні: Львів

Ринок працевлаштування у Львові та області: кількість вакансій (вільних робочих місць) та резюме претендентів (працівників, що шукають роботу) по регіонам Львова

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